The Excitement Is About To Begin Again #EDCMOOC

HourglassIt is almost time…. Just one week left for EDCMOOC 3 to roll out. Come 03 November, the course will be officially open and I just can’t wait for the excitement to begin again. Yes, I am happy to be a part of it once more – this time as a Community Teaching Assistant, and am absolutely thrilled about it.

This was one MOOC that I thoroughly enjoyed and was sorry to see it come to an end. However, I was quite pleasantly surprised when I received a mail from @CMSinclair informing me my name had been short-listed as a CTA for the round 3 of EDCMOOC, based on the recommendations of the previous batch of CTAs, and a BIg THANK YOU goes to all of them. I just hope I can perform half as well as those guys did.

And to all the newcomers on EDCMOOC 3, welcome aboard. But do fasten your seat belts. You will be sucked right into the action as soon as the course commences, and trust me, this is one MOOC that is so different from all the other MOOCs that I have been a part of.

Let the madness begin…

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